Classic Dog Portraits — What do I mean with that phrase? I mean a pose and a portrait that with one look reflects in a positive manner the distinctive characteristics of the breed photographed. This portrait of a very handsome Viszla named Jagger which shows his strength and grace in what I believe is a very striking manner.

The question I have been asked many times is how I am able to create such a portrait. Well, it helps that I have photographed more than 1000 dogs and have a ‘tool bag’ of various noise makers and the words and sounds that I make that help keep the dog’s attention. In addition I have two very important attributes that I believe are critical. First, I have endless patience during a portrait session. Second, nothing that happens during a session i.e bathroom accidents etc is ever a problem. The only things that matter are the split seconds that I capture portraits like this one and the others that I take during a portrait session,

The one thing that I sometimes jokingly do not reveal is the assistance I get from the “wranglers.” These are the dog owners. Following my specific directions they help pose their dog or dogs. Indeed pet portraits at my studio are always a group effort. When a pet portrait session is particularly challenging my “wrangler(s)” may get a little discouraged. Part of my job is to be a “cheerleader” to tell them we can and will create portraits, that we will make them happen.This portrait you see here is proof that I am telling them the truth.

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